What is Abuse?

I have to be honest, this post was very difficult to make. Abuse is something not to be taken lightly. It causes a lot of pain, mental and physical, and casts trauma onto the victim. This highly impacts mental health in a negative way and may cause an array of mental health struggles. Nothing about dealing with abuse is easy, and reaching out can be even harder. Because of this, I've included crisis resources on my CRISIS page and have made some infographics on this issue, so take a look if you feel inclined. On a more positive note, I have exciting news! Recently, I was featured in the St. Albert Gazette regarding my blog, mental health club, and mental health struggles. It's so incredible to know that people are reading my story and that what I'm doing is helping others. So thank you to the St. Albert Gazette and reporter Jessica Nelson for helping me spread the word and stop the stigma on mental health. I will include the articles down below! Be kind to people, you don...