What is Self-Harm?

Happy New Year! Long time no see! It’s been a good while since I posted. One of my resolutions is to start posting more regularly, especially since we’re coming up on the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this blog!! It’s absolutely insane how much we’ve accomplished in the past year, thank you all so much for supporting me in this. Today, we’re starting the new year off on an important note. Today’s topic is Self-Harm and Self-Injury. I’ve been hearing lots of misconceptions about this topic recently and wanted to do my part and educate those who may be misguided. As always, if you need ANY help whatsoever, please visit my CRISIS page on my blog for helplines that are available and accessible for you. Here’s to 2023! May this year be something incredible! Be kind to people, you don’t know what they’re going through. ♡Saige