
Showing posts from April, 2022

Mental Health Medication

There is a large taboo around Mental Health Medication, and I'm not exactly sure why. To me, the image is simple; people with mental illness are sick. Medication is a way for those people to accomplish their dreams and goals. Why wouldn't somebody want to do that? It baffles me when somebody says that these medications "don't work" or that they are placebo. Scientifically speaking, researchers and scientists have proved that these medications have a physical component, which is to act on the chemicals in the brain (such as serotonin) and balance out the irregularities. If you're not exactly sure what I mean by Mental Health Medications, I encourage you to have a read below. You never know, somebody in your life may be influenced by this right now. Be kind to people, you don't know what they're going through. ♡ Saige

Losing Friends

 Losing friends can be really hard, especially in mental health recovery. When friends end the relationship, you can feel like you're a burden, or that you aren't loved. Sometimes you feel like everybody hates you, and you're incredibly lonely. I know I've sure felt that way. I've lost some of my favorite people in some of the absolute lowest points of my life, and it was horrible. Even now, I feel like I can't forgive them for how and when they left me, but I'm trying. They deserve that forgiveness because I know despite our differences, they are kind and genuine people. So my advice: take a deep breath. Remind yourself that there are so many people out there who love you, appreciate you, and want to be a part of your life. Focus on those people. Love those people. And, eventually, you'll start to love yourself more than those friends ever did. Self-love comes first, forever, and always. Be kind to people, you don't know what they're going throu...

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - Part 1

 DBT has helped me in so many ways, I can't even begin to count. It has given me so many tools I can use to help with my intense emotions, and allows me to act rationally in difficult situations. It's so easy to turn to a harmful solution when faced with a crisis, but DBT can teach you to consider all the different actions you can take. It truly can help anybody. With that said, sign yourself up for some Dialectical Behavioral Therapy! It doesn't matter if you have mental health issues or not, all that matters is that you're willing to learn more about yourself and how you process your feelings. It gives you insight into how your mind works, and helps you understand yourself on a deeper level. If you're still not sure what DBT means or its core practices, read the slides below or ask me any questions on my Instagram:! I will also be making multiple parts to this post, as there are so many skills to cover for adolescents, adults, and parents! Be kind...

Alcoholism Awareness

Hey y'all! Before we get started I want to say something... THE HOODIES AND MERCHANDISE ARE READY! If you want to place an order or share my page, go to on Instagram. ALL of the proceeds go to the Mental Health Foundation in Edmonton, Alberta! This fundraiser is something I am so incredibly passionate about and it would mean the world to me if you could check it out and support me! Okay, back to the post. Today's topic is alcoholism. April is Alcoholism Awareness Month, and it is something that has impacted many people in my life. Sometimes, people have a skewed perception of alcoholics, that they're all abusive and mean. But that is NOT true. Truth is, they're just people who struggle with an addiction, something that is almost impossible to control by oneself.  This is why it's so important to show love and understanding to people going through these incredibly strenuous circumstances. If you are struggling, look at my CRISIS page for some helplin...