Alcoholism Awareness

Hey y'all! Before we get started I want to say something... THE HOODIES AND MERCHANDISE ARE READY! If you want to place an order or share my page, go to on Instagram. ALL of the proceeds go to the Mental Health Foundation in Edmonton, Alberta! This fundraiser is something I am so incredibly passionate about and it would mean the world to me if you could check it out and support me!

Okay, back to the post. Today's topic is alcoholism. April is Alcoholism Awareness Month, and it is something that has impacted many people in my life. Sometimes, people have a skewed perception of alcoholics, that they're all abusive and mean. But that is NOT true. Truth is, they're just people who struggle with an addiction, something that is almost impossible to control by oneself.  This is why it's so important to show love and understanding to people going through these incredibly strenuous circumstances. If you are struggling, look at my CRISIS page for some helpline numbers.

Be kind to people, you don't know what they're going through.

♡ Saige


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